Discovering Wellness (Episode 10) – Explore the transformative power of gratitude.

Discovering Wellness - Episode 10 - Cover

In the tenth episode of “Discovering Wellness,” we engage in an enlightening conversation with Geetha Krishnan, an international Trainer and the Founder of Gratitude Leadership. Join us as we explore the transformative power of gratitude, not just as a polite practice, but as a powerful tool for building organizational wellness when used by leaders.

Geetha emphasizes that gratitude plays a significant role in fostering well-being within organizations, and when employed as a leadership tool, it can have a profound impact on team dynamics and overall productivity. Discover how leaders can incorporate gratitude into their leadership approach to creating a positive and empowering work environment.

Furthermore, Geetha introduces us to complementary movement-based forms of well-being, such as dance, which highlight the crucial role of emotions as key drivers for leaders. She shares insights on how gentle and intentional movements, such as a gentle PAT (Pause, Assess, Transform), can effectively change one’s state and influence leadership behaviour.

Join us for this thought-provoking episode of “Discovering Wellness” as we explore the significance of gratitude as a leadership tool and the integration of complementary movement-based forms of well-being. Gain practical insights from Geetha Krishnan on fostering a workplace culture of gratitude and emotional awareness. Get ready to transform your approach to leadership and unlock new possibilities for organizational wellness and success.

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