Prioritise Your Mental Health with Free Assessments. (PW-22)

Personal Wellbeing Series - Article 22

Mental health is crucial to overall well-being, impacting every aspect of our lives. Despite its importance, mental health often takes a back seat. Wellness Seekers Academy aims to change that by providing free access to various scientifically validated mental health assessment tools. We aim to make mental health resources accessible to everyone, empowering individuals to take proactive steps towards better mental health.

Why Mental Health Matters:

Mental health affects our daily functioning, relationships, and productivity. According to the World Health Organisation, mental health disorders are among the leading causes of disability worldwide. Depression alone affects more than 264 million people globally. The economic impact of mental health issues is also significant, with lost productivity due to mental health problems costing the global economy an estimated $1 trillion per year.

Early detection and intervention can prevent severe mental health issues and improve the quality of life. By understanding and addressing mental health concerns early, individuals can enhance their overall well-being and lead more fulfilling lives.

Available Tools:

We offer a variety of tools, including the Mental Health Quotient (MHQ), General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12 and GHQ-28), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), and more. These tools are designed to provide comprehensive insights into your mental health. Here’s a brief introduction to each of these assessments:

·         Wellness Compass – Lite:

The Wellness Compass – Lite is a quick assessment tool designed to give you a snapshot of your current well-being. It covers various dimensions of wellness, including physical, emotional, and social health. This tool is ideal for individuals looking for a quick check-in on their overall wellness.

·         Wellness Compass – Pro:

The Wellness Compass – Pro is a more comprehensive version of the Lite assessment. It delves deeper into various aspects of wellness, providing a detailed analysis and personalised recommendations. This tool is perfect for those seeking a thorough understanding of their well-being and actionable steps to improve it.

·         Mental Health Quotient (MHQ):

The MHQ is a scientifically validated tool that evaluates mental health across multiple domains. Developed by leading experts, the MHQ provides a comprehensive assessment, helping individuals gain valuable insights into their mental well-being. The assessment takes approximately 14 minutes to complete and offers detailed feedback and recommendations.

·         General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12):

The GHQ-12 is a widely used screening tool designed to identify individuals at risk of developing mental health problems. It consists of 12 questions that assess general mental health, including symptoms of depression and anxiety. The GHQ-12 is a quick and effective tool for the early detection of mental health issues.

·         General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-28):

The GHQ-28 is a more detailed version of the GHQ-12, consisting of 28 questions. It provides a comprehensive assessment of mental health, including somatic symptoms, anxiety, social dysfunction, and depression. This tool is ideal for individuals seeking a more in-depth evaluation of their mental well-being.

·         The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS):

The PSS is a classic stress assessment tool used to measure the perception of stress. It evaluates how unpredictable, uncontrollable, and overloaded respondents find their lives. Developed by Sheldon Cohen, this tool is widely used in research and clinical practice to assess stress levels.

·         Copenhagen Burnout Inventory:

The Copenhagen Burnout Inventory (CBI) is a tool designed to measure burnout. It assesses personal burnout, work-related burnout, and client-related burnout. This tool is particularly useful for professionals experiencing high levels of work-related stress and burnout.

·         GAD-7 Anxiety Screening:

The Generalised Anxiety Disorder 7 (GAD-7) is a screening tool used to identify symptoms of generalised anxiety disorder. It consists of seven questions that assess the severity of anxiety symptoms. This tool is commonly used in clinical settings to screen for anxiety disorders.

·         State Self-Esteem Scale (SSES):

The SSES is a tool designed to measure temporary changes in self-esteem. Developed by Heatherton and Polivy, it assesses self-esteem in three domains: performance, social, and appearance. This tool is useful for understanding how specific situations or events impact self-esteem.

·         Mindset Quiz:

The Mindset Quiz, adapted from Carol Dweck’s research, assesses whether you have a fixed or growth mindset. A growth mindset is associated with greater resilience and a willingness to embrace challenges. This tool helps individuals understand their mindset and how it affects their approach to life and learning.

·         WHO-5 Wellbeing Index:

The WHO-5 is a short questionnaire developed by the World Health Organisation to assess current mental well-being. It consists of five simple questions that measure positive mood, vitality, and general interest in life. This tool is widely used in both clinical and research settings to assess well-being.

Start your FREE Assessments here

Benefits of Using These Assessments:

Self-Awareness: Understanding your mental health status is the first step towards improvement. These tools provide valuable insights into various aspects of your mental health, helping you identify areas of concern.

Personalised Feedback: Each assessment provides detailed feedback and actionable recommendations tailored to your unique mental health profile. This personalised approach ensures that you receive relevant and practical advice.

Accessibility: These tools are available online for free, making them accessible to everyone. Whether you’re at home, at work, or on the go, you can easily complete these assessments and take steps towards better mental health.

Who Can Benefit?

Individuals: Gain insights and take proactive steps towards better mental health. Whether you’re experiencing stress, anxiety, burnout, or just want to check in on your well-being, these tools can provide valuable information.

Organisations: Support employee well-being and boost productivity. By offering these assessments to employees, organisations can identify areas of concern and implement targeted interventions to improve overall well-being.

Institutions: Help students and faculty thrive. Academic institutions can use these tools to support the mental health of students and staff, creating a healthier and more supportive learning environment.

Healthcare Providers: Enhance patient care with reliable assessments. Mental healthcare providers can use these tools to screen for mental health issues, track progress, and develop personalised treatment plans.

How to Use the Tools:

Using these tools is simple. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Start your FREE Assessments here

Visit Our Website: Go to the Assessments section on the Wellness Seekers Academy website.

Select an Assessment: Choose the assessment that best fits your needs. Whether you’re looking for a general mental health evaluation or want to focus on a specific area, like stress or anxiety, there’s a tool for you.

Complete the Assessment: Follow the instructions and complete the assessment. Most tools take between 10-15 minutes to complete.

Review Your Results: Once you’ve completed the assessment, review your results and the personalised feedback provided.

Take Action: Use the recommendations to make positive changes in your life. Whether it’s seeking professional help, making lifestyle changes, or using self-help strategies, take action to improve your mental health.

Start Now:

Take the first step towards better mental health today. Access our free tools and gain valuable insights into your mental well-being.

Share this newsletter with friends, family, and colleagues to help spread the word and make mental health resources accessible to everyone.

Next Steps for Organizations

To make the most of the mental health assessment tools offered by Wellness Seekers Academy, organizations can follow these steps to integrate these resources into their wellness initiatives:

·         Evaluate Needs:

Assess the mental health needs of your employees through surveys, feedback sessions, and discussions with HR and management.

Identify the specific tools that will be most beneficial, such as stress assessments, burnout inventories, or comprehensive mental health evaluations.

·         Select and Customise Tools:

Choose from the variety of assessments available: Wellness Compass (Lite and Pro), MHQ, GHQ (12 and 28), PSS, CBI, GAD-7, SSES, Mindset Quiz, and WHO-5.

Customise the selected tools to align with your organization’s specific requirements and employee demographics. (We can assist you in this.)

·         Implementation Strategy:

Create a structured implementation plan detailing how and when the assessments will be introduced to employees.

Determine whether the assessments will be mandatory or voluntary, and consider offering incentives to encourage participation.

·         Integration with Existing Programs:

Integrate the assessments into existing wellness programs, ensuring they complement other initiatives like EAPs (Employee Assistance Programs), mental health workshops, and counselling services.

Use the results to tailor these programs to better meet the needs of your employees.

·         Communication and Education:

Communicate the availability and importance of these tools to employees through internal communications, workshops, and informational sessions.

Educate employees on how to use the tools, interpret the results, and take action based on the feedback.

·         Data Privacy and Confidentiality:

Ensure that all data collected through the assessments is handled with the utmost confidentiality and in compliance with data protection regulations.

Inform employees about the privacy measures in place to protect their personal information.

·         Monitoring and Evaluation:

Regularly monitor the usage and effectiveness of the tools through feedback and participation rates.

Evaluate the impact on employee well-being and productivity, adjusting the approach as needed.

Partnerships and Collaboration:

Partner with Wellness Seekers Academy and other mental health experts to gain insights and support for implementing these tools effectively.

Consider collaborating with mental healthcare providers to offer additional support based on the assessment results.

Continuous Improvement:

Use the insights gained from the assessments to continuously improve your organisation’s mental health strategies.

Stay updated on new tools and research in the field of mental health to enhance your wellness programs.

Contact Information:

For more information or to discuss how Wellness Seekers Academy can support your organisation’s mental health initiatives, please contact us using the form available on our website. Our team is ready to assist you in creating a healthier, more productive work environment.

Contact Form for more information.

Invitation to Collaborate:

We also invite other organisations working in the mental health space to partner with us. By leveraging our research-based offerings, you can enhance your programs and benefit from their significant revenue potential. Together, we can make a profound impact on mental health and well-being across various sectors.


These tools were created by various experts and institutions, duly acknowledged in each tool’s introduction. They are not a substitute for professional mental health care. If you’re experiencing severe mental health issues, we encourage you to seek professional help.


At Wellness Seekers Academy, we’re committed to making mental health resources accessible to everyone. By offering free access to a range of scientifically validated assessment tools, we aim to empower individuals to take proactive steps towards better mental health. Whether you’re an individual looking to understand your mental health better, an organisation seeking to support employee well-being, or a healthcare provider looking for reliable assessment tools, our resources can help.

Join us in prioritising mental health and take advantage of these valuable tools today. Together, we can make a difference and improve mental well-being for all.

Ajay Mahajan

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